Saturday, May 6, 2017

First Impressions: Missha - MISA Geum Sul Vitalizing Finisher

Packaging: It comes in a sturdy, pink glass bottle (60ml) with a cap that pulls off to reveal an easy-to-use nozzle. It pumps out an even amount of product (I use three full pumps for my entire face). And as with all MISA Geum Sul products, you see that gorgeous flower design on the top of the cap that shimmers in the light. This is one of those products you just have to flaunt.
Price: $40 USD from Missha’s US site, though I imagine you could get this for a cheaper price on other websites (or if you’re a VIP member on the Missha website like my mother and I am, muwahaha).
Consistency: It has a semi-thick consistency that I find fairly easy to spread. It’s very interesting, because this product is a “finisher,” which is exactly what the name implies: you use this at the very end of your skincare routine to seal everything in. But in addition to being the finishing touch to your skincare routine, it also works as a primer before starting your makeup routine. For this reason, it is advertised as a product you can use in both the AM and PM (which I definitely do). I find that the consistency falls perfectly in between a cream and a primer, so it is not very thick like most creams are, but it is also not as silicone-like as most primers are. And because this perfectly suits those who dislike using thick creams and silicone-heavy primers, it works best for people whose skin is normal/combo/oily, but not dry, because it would most likely not be enough. The finish, as you can see from the photos of my hand above, is dewy with a very, very slight shine. I say “slight,” because I find that when I use it on my face and I let it dry/sink in completely, my skin actually resembles somebody with a normal skin type. I am under the strong impression that this product adequately provides me with the perfect oil-water (moisture-hydration) content due to its ingredient list. In fact, this finisher doesn’t cause my skin to become oily after time has passed like most lotions or creams do! A rare incident, indeed!
Scent: My very first thought when I used this was that it smelled old lady-ish (lol), but it is best described as herbal/medicinal. While I am not personally big on this scent, it dissipates quickly. The only other product I have tried from this line (the MISA Geum Sul Vitalizing Tension Pact SPF30, PA++) smells exactly the same, so I would expect all of the MISA Geum Sul products to smell similarly.
Ingredients: According to CosDNA, this product contains multiple acne triggers and irritants. As someone with combo, acne-prone skin, I am usually very cautious about using products with both acne triggers and irritants, but Missha has yet to disappoint me with its ingredients. This product did not break me out, clog my pores, or what have you, but if my skin is over-exfoliated, then the alcohol can be slightly irritating – nothing absolutely terrible, but I imagine this product would not suit those with very sensitive skin. But all in all, the ingredients do not worry me because most acne triggers and irritants are lower down on the list. Had the alcohol (in particular) been higher up on the list, I might have been more hesitant to try out this product.
First Impressions/Overall Review: I really enjoy using this product because something about “sealing everything in” just makes me giddy. I can easily see myself purchasing this item again because it feels so nice on my skin, but chances are it would not fare well with my skin during the cold, dry winters of Canada. If I do get my hands on this product again, it will most likely be during the spring, summer, and possibly even autumn. (And again, I would like to emphasize how amazing it is in that it didn’t cause my skin to become oily after time had passed, which is a truly rare sight.) 4/5.

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