Saturday, May 6, 2017

First Impressions: SCINIC - Honey All In One Ampoule

Packaging: It comes in a sturdy, fairly large amber jar (250ml) with a cap that twists off. It really reminds me of an actual honey jar with the way the cap is designed. It comes with a large white spatula for ease of use.

Price: $20 USD from Jolse. The price for this product is very bang for your buck because this will last you forever. I’ve had this product since late 2016 and as you can see, I’ve hardly made a dent in it.

Consistency: Considering the very first ingredient is honey extract (90%), are we even surprised that it has a sticky consistency? For some, this may be very off-putting, but I find that this can easily be managed by minimizing usage and topping it off with a misting toner or even a cream. For the purposes of this review, I used a lot of product in the photos above (featuring my husband’s hand!), but generally I don’t even “scoop” anything out. I get the best amount I need by simply sticking the tip of the spatula into it. Some people love it so much that they use it during their morning routines. Personally, I find that it can be a bit heavy under makeup. I believe this product works best for a night routine as you can allow it to soak into your skin all night long as you sleep. When I wake up, there is a visible difference in my skin; it’s hydrated, my active acne is less inflammed, and any old acne scars appear more healed up.

Scent: I can’t get enough of this scent – it smells like very sweet honey – and no, it’s not edible!

Ingredients: This product is packed with some amazing stuff. At the very top of the ingredient list, you find honey extract (healing + soothing), niacinamide (brightening), and propolis extract (anti-bacterial + anti-fungal) just to name a few. According to CosDNA, there is really very little to worry about unless your skin is sensitive to honey. The only acne trigger is triethanol amine (pH adjuster) while the only irritant is carbomer (viscosity control), and both of these ingredients are quite far down on the list. I imagine this product would even be ideal to those with sensitive skin.

First Impressions/Overall Review: This product has amazing reviews everywhere you look for a reason – it’s well-tolerated for most people, smells great, and is multi-functional: it hydrates, soothes, heals, and brightens your skin. What more could you ask for from an all-in-one product? 5/5.

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